
At Job Duck, one of the benefits we offer is a work-life balance. We know that work and life are neither synonyms nor antonyms but part of each other. Nevertheless, it is healthy to divide our work and personal life. Get hobbies and be there for your loved ones. Celebrate your freedom in life with our life-related blog posts.

In our life-related blog entries, we celebrate family, hobbies, vacations, and health. For these reasons, we are constantly adding tips for you to have a healthy lifestyle both physically and mentally! Therefore, don’t miss out on these incredible life-related blog posts!

Is Your Medical Plan in Place?

Is Your Medical Plan in Place? 

When it comes to personal health, having a good medical plan in place is not only wise but necessary. The question then arises: how can you ensure you choose the most suitable option from the numerous choices available? Whether you

Job Duck’s 6th Anniversary Quiz Challenge!

This month marks a special place in our hearts as we celebrate Job Duck’s 6th anniversary! Originally started with five passionate team members, today more than 1500 voices of joy can be heard across Latin America and South Africa.  We

Dream Big, Save Bigger

Dream Big, Save Bigger 

At the early stage of a new beginning, transitioning from studies to an exciting career, young adults often focus on paying off student loans and other debts. Some might also find themselves spending their money on things they have eyed

Mastering English: Test Your Proficiency with Our Quiz

Mastering English: Test Your Proficiency with Our Quiz 

With an estimated 1.46 billion speakers worldwide, English is one of the most widely spoken languages on the planet. What’s more, according to an article by Northwest Career College, English is the language of international business and trade. Therefore, proficiency

Test Your Legal Knowledge

Test Your Legal Knowledge 

Job Duck is actively looking for talented people across Latin America and South Africa to join our incredible team. We place our staffers with appreciative clients in the U.S., most of whom are law firms. While understanding legal terminology is

5 Workout Routines to Practice from Home

5 Workout Routines to Practice from Home

Starting a fitness journey can be rewarding, especially for remote workers, as it offers a convenient way to stay active while balancing work and personal life.   But did you know that you don’t need expensive gym memberships or fancy equipment

5 Lessons from the Philosopher Marcus Aurelius

5 Lessons from the Philosopher Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius is one of the most respected and admired figures in philosophy. As a Roman emperor and Stoic philosopher, Aurelius left behind an incredible legacy through his writings in his personal journal, known as “Meditations.” Even centuries after his

The Importance of Hobbies in Your Work-Life Balance

The Importance of Hobbies in Your Work-Life Balance

Have you ever wondered about the benefits of engaging in enjoyable activities outside of work? Our physical and mental health are greatly improved by these activities, which not only provide much-needed breaks but also offer numerous benefits. In this article,

Burnout: 4 Solutions to Improve Workflow and Processes

Burnout: 4 Solutions to Improve Workflow and Processes

Many individuals experience the undesirable feeling of burnout on a daily basis. What is burnout? Am I currently experiencing it? How can I avoid it? The list of questions might go on and on… This blog, “Burnout: 4 Solutions to Improve

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