We spend almost half the day working. And, paradoxically, it is while we work where we adopt the least healthy habits: eating poorly, moving a little, stressing a lot,… Is it possible to reverse this trend? Of course. While there are some things that we cannot avoid – such as stressing ourselves from time to time – there are many others that we can stop doing to ensure that our workday is much more beneficial to our health. You might be adopting unhealthy habits without noticing! Therefore, here are some of the things we do at our home office that can affect our health.
Eating junk snacks.
It happens to all of us: in a hurry to solve thousands of tasks, we spend long hours without eating or – worse yet – we satisfy our appetite with a bag of chips, some chocolates or unhealthy cookies. If this happens from time to time there would be no problem, but if this happens day after day, the consequences could be overweight, risk of diabetes, inability to concentrate and anxiety, among many others.
Sitting all day long.
One of the worst habits we adopt is to remain long hours sitting behind our desk. Lack of mobility has an endless number of negative health consequences: weight gain, muscle stiffness, constipation, urinary infections. Do you need more reasons to stretch and walk at least five-ten minutes every hour?
Not drinking enough water.
As you are very busy, it is easy for you to forget to drink water and spend hours without trying to drink a single drop. Well, this affects you much more than you think. If you don’t drink water it causes serious kidney problems, promotes migraines and slows your metabolism, among many other things. Make sure you have at least 8 glasses of natural water a day (or two liters).
Eating at your desk.
How we eat is almost as important as what we eat. When you move away from your desk (even for a few minutes), your brain rests, your thoughts clear up and you recharge energy, so you return to your workplace feeling more relaxed and being more productive. On the contrary, eating at your desk encourages you to eat in a hurry, without enjoying your food and without giving your brain a well-deserved rest.
Working extra hours.
No one doubts it, you have a thousand tasks on your to-do list. But working extra hours will not lighten your workload (sorry to disappoint you, but the work never ends). Working in excess and relegating your free time will only make you feel much more overwhelmed, less happy with your work, and, of course, less productive.
Drinking lots of coffee a day.
Are you one of those people who drink up to five cups of coffee a day? You could be seriously harming your health. Although it is true that coffee keeps you awake, improves your memory and your cognitive functions, it is also true that in very high doses it produces dehydration, anxiety, insomnia, gastritis and other disorders. Avoid drinking more than two cups a day and drink an extra cup of water for each cup of coffee you drink.
What other bad habits can you think of and how can we avoid them? Share your thoughts to help all the remote workers out there!
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