We are excited to share with you our brand-new Weekly Tea with Karen from Mexico. In this section, we invite our virtual assistants from all around the world to share with us how their experience working from home with Job Duck has been so far.
In this episode, Valery interviews Karen from Mexico. Karen is part of the internal Job Duck team. Her main daily task is to check the first round of applications received every single day from many applicants around the world.
Karen found out about Job Duck after losing her past job due to the pandemic. She struggled to find a happy place to work, until she found a Job Duck job offer on the OCC website.
“I used to work at a media agency, which meant a lot of work hours and commuting. I’m just happy to be working from home right now.” – Karen from Mexico
Karen’s first and most favorite part about working from home is spending quality time with her family. She also likes being able to eat at home and staying indoors, as well as getting rid of the commuting aspect. Karen completed her “favorite part about working from home” answer with the next words:
“Doing the things that I love and spending time with the people I love. I don’t think I could ever ask for anything else if I have this.” – Karen from Mexico
Towards the end of the interview, Karen took the time to encourage people who are still hesitant on applying for the Job Duck open positions.
“Don’t hesitate! Go for it! We have a funny process, but if you go for it, I’m sure you’ll be awesome and amazing. Just give it a try, and I’ll be happy to help you!” – Karen from Mexico
Apply Now!
Watch the full episode below! And also, if, like Karen, you have good English skills (both written and spoken), own a computer, a headset, a permanent workspace at home, and are looking for a career at home as a virtual assistant, CLICK HERE TO APPLY NOW. Also, subscribe to our Weekly Job Flash Newsletter to find our latest career growth opportunities!
Hi Karen thank you I did apply before my e mail application was not sucsessfull .Did not had a life interwiew as yest. I will reapply again wirt different e mail adress .
Would love to start my journey with Job Duck
Hi wjere can i see the opening jobs you have in duck. I would like to be part of rhw company with the job it fix my work expenience.