We can learn a lot from photos, whether we take them ourselves or see the beauty of someone else’s work. Some images involve pleasant memories, and others are taken during tragedies, but they will always live in the moment.
Our lives should be like a picture. There will be good times and bad times coming, but we should learn to always live in the present, face the obstacles, and focus on enjoying the ride while we’re at it. Here are a few ways to live in the moment:
Take a Few Mental Snapshots
Many of us tend to live in the past, while others dream about the future- a place far ahead of our current time. A synonym for “present” is called a “gift.” Maybe it’s time to unwrap the box. We can’t change the past, nor can we predict the future, but we can miss the joy of today if we think about tomorrow.
Try not to seek a day you’ll never get back to or even think about one that doesn’t even exist yet.
In other words, if you apply for a position at Job Duck, take a few mental snapshots of your present- savor the moment without thinking ahead of time. Not only will you be entirely focused on the task at hand, but you’ll also release yourself from pressure as your thoughts are all in one place.
Take those snapshots and hang them on the wall. Be proud of the things you do! And then, as time goes on, try to fill your wall by adding more pictures from the accomplishments of your day-to-day life. The most important part is to enjoy the ride!
The Selfie of Gratitude
Showing gratitude toward everything in life is a great way to live happily in the moment. Our ability to wake up each day, having friends and family who love us, and sleep with a full tummy are just some of the many things for which we are grateful.
Climb the highest mountain. Stand on top and take a selfie of gratitude. Having air in your lungs is already a blessing on its own.
And then there could be cases where you feel stuck. One hurdle can leave you without confidence, making it hard to enjoy the ride. Let’s say you’re longing to become a virtual assistant, but you don’t have much knowledge about the virtual world. If you are in a situation like this, how can you turn it into something positive so that you can live fully in the moment?
Well, use the fuel of your wish to learn more about the role you want to apply for. Do your research, take online courses, and study until you fit that position perfectly. In this case, being intelligent enough to learn more about virtual assistants is a reason to be grateful. Embrace it!
Say Cheese!
Ahh, we get good days, and then we get those dark cloudy ones that hang over our heads until the sun eventually shines again. That’s life, they said. And unfortunately, there’s not much we can do to control it. Well, not externally. But how we handle the outcome is entirely up to us.
Most of the time, if not always, there’s a smile on our faces whenever we receive good news. Do you remember your first job interview and the excitement you felt when you found out that you got the job? It’s a feeling that no one besides yourself can describe. Still, the opposite could’ve happened.
Maybe you’re currently in that boat, so how do you sail to the shores?
Firstly, pat yourself on the back for trying. You were brave enough to take a step in the right direction. Tell yourself, “not this time, but rather next time.” And never give up. It’s essential to enjoy every moment, no matter the outcome. No matter what it is that you tried. No matter how many times you fail. Hold the camera steady, take a countdown, and before the flashlight goes off, say cheese!
We deserve to live a happy life. At Job Duck, our virtual assistants enjoy a work-life balance, allowing them to relish every memory they create. Click HERE if you’re interested in building an amazing career with Job Duck!